Gestalt Principles

Like other people, coming up with an idea for this week's concept was challenging. I was going to go with the idea of the eyes and use my dog but it felt too simple so I looked at the examples and took a different route. On page 115, I found this technique really interesting but I did not want to copy it so I approached it from a different angle. I kept with the theme of nature and used a phrase that is very important when being outside. I also wanted to incorporate my theme in the pictures so I decided to have the background be different elements in nature. "It merges what we see with what we know to build a coherent understanding of the world. Building on memory and experience, the brain fills the gaps and filters out extraneous data." (99, Lupton and Phillips) This was a quote that stood out to me while I was reading, it helped me understand how people are able to understand the art that I made. 


  1. I like how you used the technique to exemplify the principle. I found it really creative and illustrative of the concept you chose.

  2. very creative and interesting take on this weeks concept! love it

  3. I really love this image, I am a big fan of combining nature with the human world in order to create art and I feel like that's something you did really well here.


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